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Why A Fond Du Lac Ave BID?

As an integral part of the Fond Du Lac community, BID #54 is committed to achieving several key objectives to enhance the economic, cultural, and social landscape along West Fond Du Lac Avenue.

  • 1.Protecting Investments: We strive to safeguard both public and private investments along West Fond Du Lac Avenue. By fostering a safe and welcoming environment, we aim to ensure that investments remain secure and continue to positively contribute to the area's development.

    2. Attracting New Investments: BID #54 actively seeks to attract new investments to the area. By highlighting the potential and opportunities present along Fond Du Lac Avenue, we aim to encourage new businesses, developments, and initiatives that will further enrich the community and contribute to its growth.

    3. Preserving and Improving Conditions: Our commitment also extends to preserving and enhancing the economic, cultural, and social conditions within the BID. By maintaining a vibrant and supportive environment, we aim to cultivate a thriving community that residents, businesses, and visitors can all benefit from.

    4. Promoting Viable Markets: BID #54 is dedicated to promoting activities that foster the development of sustainable and thriving markets along Fond Du Lac Avenue. By supporting and nurturing a diverse range of businesses and initiatives, we aim to create a dynamic and robust marketplace that aligns with the area's potential and significance.

    Through these objectives, Fond Du Lac BID #54 is driven to elevate the West Fond Du Lac Avenue area, creating a stronger, more prosperous, and culturally enriched community for all.

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